原來我已經有幾個月沒有更新我的日誌~ 時間過得太快! 上一次我還沒有開始我人生新的一頁呢! 今年2013的聖誕節可說是一年的結尾, 亦是我夢想的開始~ 轉眼間我已回家好幾個月, 上了算是第一份正職差不多兩個月, 學會了不少! 新工會從明年的一月開始, 所以特意回到英國兩個星期~ 對呀, 當了上班一族後就不會有兩星期的長假期旅遊呢!在香港時都沒有這樣的閒情逸志去做飯焗蛋糕~ 難得還在渡假, 所以今天就下定決心要做應節的聖誕面包! Lussekatt - 照字面譯是紅花貓咪的意思~ 為什麼是貓咪? 到現在我還是不知道呢~我個人挺喜歡紅花的味道~ 市面上有已磨好的紅花粉, 但比乾紅花瓣, 這些粉都不是100%純正, 雖然用粉做出來的包顏色都比較美!
I cannot believe it has been already a few months since I last updated my blog! Time flies right? Last time I posted was the time when I still have not begun my new page of life. This Xmas will wrap the best year of my life to an end, yet accompanied the greatest start of my dream. I have learned much from my first real job during last one month or so. My dream job starts January 2014, so I decided to come back to UK for a short visit. I guess once start working, it is almost impossible to have two weeks straight day-off. Lussekatt- literally means saffron cat. Why cat? what a pity that I still do not know the answer although I have been living in Sweden for quite some years. I personally like the smell of saffron. There are powdered saffron in the marketing for sell, however it is comparatively less pure than dried saffron thread, despite powdered saffron makes the bread look brighter in color.