Saturday, 27 April 2013

<異國風情篇瑞典煙三文魚焗薯>Swedish style smoke salmon potato-gratin

今天我想教大家做一道傳統瑞典聖誕餐的菜式~~ Potato-gratin ( 瑞典文: Potatis-gratäng) 其實這是源於法國的菜式, Gratin dish的意思是指用一道用淺的容器焗成表面金黃色的餸菜~~ 有很多不用的Gratin 款式~ 大家不妨搜尋一下~

做之前要提醒一句, 這道菜絕對不適合正處於減肥狀態的女士!!但一次半次...~~~~~~又無妨呢!!
Today I am pleased to teach you one traditional Swedish xmas dish which you may easily find on the Xmas dining table at a Swedish home (Swedish: Potatis gratäng) Gratin originates in France, in which '' Gratin dish'' is referring to a shallow dish which is used to bake stuff until golden brown. There are many different types of gratin nowadays, feel free to search around and see if there is any others you may feel attracted to!


3個     大焗薯
3        Bake potatos
適量   茴香
some  Dills 
個人喜好  煙三文魚
Smoked salmon thin slices ( optional amount)
400 ml     奶油
400 ml     Light cream
1 1/2        洋蔥
1 1/2        Onion


1/2 茶匙  鹽 ( 因為我買的是純煙沒有味道的三文魚, 所以就要自己一邊試味一邊加)
1/2 tsp    Salt( It depends if the smoked-salmon is salted or not, so better taste it while seasoning!)
半茶匙     黑椒粉
1/2 tsp     black pepper
少許      蒜粉
a bit      garlic powder


1. 薯仔要洗淨去皮, 切成薄身, 如上圖~ 一定要平均, 
Wash the potatoes and cut them in thin slices like the pictures above. Try to cut them in even sizes
2. 三文魚切皮, 現成一包不用自己切就方便得多~ 煮前要試一下味道, 因為有些煙三魚會特別鹹! 
Cut the salmon in slices as well. Ready-to-eat package is indeed more convenient!
3. 洋蔥切成小粒
Cut the onions in super small pieces

A. 用煲將忌廉加熱, 記住千萬不能大火, 否則就會很易燶~
Boil the cream with medium-low heat, prevent burning in the bottom. Stir it constantly
B. 將適量茴香加入A, 我比較喜歡只用葉的部分~
add Dills into the cream
C. 加入調味料, 試味, 一邊保持暖度一邊攪
Add in all the seasoning, keep stirring under warm temperature
D. 熄火
Turn off the fire and set aside
E. 將薯仔片, 洋蔥粒, 三文魚片平均一層層鋪, 最後一層的薯仔要剛好被忌廉浸著, 這道菜的特色是用忌廉將薯仔煮熟, 味道會更滑和香濃
Place the potato slices, onions and salmon slices layer by layer, meanwhile pouring the cream over them. Eventually the potatoes need to be soaked by the cream( cream covers the surface preferably)
F. 225 度, 45分鐘, 因為每個人焗爐都不同, 我有時候要焗 1小時多一點點才行, 不過一定過45分鐘, 所以可以預焗一段時間後留意住薯仔熟了沒有!~要是你用叉插入去而感覺到薯仔吸了忌廉是容容地, 而忌廉表面亦同時金黃色, 就完成了!~~ 但如果表面黑又不完成熟就關小一點溫度再焗久一點~

225 degrees, about 45 mins. Since every oven is different. Sometimes I need to bake over 1 hour. So you may check it after 45 mins at least to make sure the surface is not over-baked( if so, lower the temperature and let it bake slowly). It is done when potatoes are soft and you can feel that the surface becomes golden brown. ( test it with a fork)


這個是等很耐的菜, 當然有懶人做法, 可以先將薯仔用忌廉煲熟再拿去焗, 這個會比以上方便快很多, 但味道就不會很入味! 薯仔切得薄就最好, 比較容易焗熟呢~~ 因為這個焗薯比較膩, 如果不加三文魚可作配菜, 簡單煎雞胸肉, 魚, 再配清沙津都非常美味~

Indeed the procedure is easy and simple, but it may take quite a time to get it done. There is certainly a easier way to do: you can boil the potatoes before adding the cream and dill. Then pour everything in a gratin bakeware and bake until golden brown. This way will save you a lot of time, yet the taste surely wont be as good as the 'traditional gratin'! I usually like to eat with light side dish such as salad or sweetcorns. Gratin can be quite greasy, if its meat-free, you may have slow cooked chicken breast or fish. 

Hope you enjoy!

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