今次想跟大家分享醬油糖心蛋 (日文: Ajitsuke Tamago) 的食譜, 做法非常簡易! 最重要是要掌握好煲蛋的時間! 我個人不太喜歡太生的蛋, 所以4分鐘對我是最理想的.. 做糖心蛋方法有很多~ 有人會將蛋直接放入滾水煲6分鐘. . 大家可以嘗試不同的方法~
- 蛋 2隻
- 醬油 2~3湯匙
- 糖 1-1 1/2茶匙
- 味醂 1茶匙
- 日本清酒 1茶匙
- 水 4~6湯匙 (視乎醬油的鹹同濃度)
- 小膠袋
- 冰水一碗
- 2 eggs
- 1~2 tbsp Soya sauce
- 1-1 1/2 tsp ground sugar
- 1 tsp Mirin
- 1 tsp Sake
- 1 small plastic bag
- 1 bowl of Icy water
- 將蛋放進凍水開火煲, 其間用筷子慢慢轉動蛋直到水開始滾
- 水滾時開始計時, 大概3~4分鐘 ( 我煲了4分鐘)
- 取出蛋, 立即放入冰水中
- 另外放將所有調味料入碗中, 試味, 滿意後放入小膠袋中
- 待完全涼透後, 去殼, 浸入小膠袋中 (可惜我的穿了孔..), 最理想的是蛋身全浸於醬油裡
- 放雪櫃至少一晚, 即可享用
- Place the eggs into a pot of cold water, turn on the fire to heat it up. Meanwhile use choptick or anything to gently move the eggs.
- Boil for 3~5 mins (count from the moment when water is boiled)
- Turn off the fire, immediately shock them into the bowl of icy water, thus to prevent the eggs from cooking further.
- Mix all seasoning in a bowl. Taste it and you may add more soya or sugar. Then move the sauce into the small plastic bag.
- When the eggs are cooler, then peel. Add the eggs into the bag of sauce. Make sure the sauce is enough to cover the eggs completely. Seal the bag and put in fridge for one night.
- Cut into half and serve cold.
這次最基本的方法, 但我不建議放雪櫃太耐, 個人認為糖心蛋始終不是全熟!所以1天已足夠!
今次我是主要為了我的燒豚肉拉面而第一次整糖心蛋! 下次要跟大家分享<燒豚肉>的做法!
I personally do not recommend to keep it in the fridge for too long, as the egg yolk is not completely done ( it may turn bad easily) perhaps at best 1 day
Thanks for sharing I would try this, it looks exceptionally delicious