今天我想跟大家分享自家日式燒豚肉烏冬的食譜, 我看過不少別人的分享, 亦試過跟隨他們的方法, 但我總是覺得有點複雜化了! 我不會說是''傳統''日式的味道, 我的做法加入了少許中式的味道! 出來的效果都非常不錯, 我的某位日本朋友都讚是一番的好味! 這個食譜看上去好像很複雜, 但其實是非常的簡單, 只是需要時間及耐性!
Today I would like to share my Japanese style roasted pork fillet recipe! I have been looking around, testing many recipes shared by the others, yet somehow I found them over complicated Despite my recipe is a fusion of 'Chinese' and 'Japanese', my Japanese friend do find it 'another type of home-taste'. This recipe only requires more time and patience, albeit it appears to be difficult. It is absolutely Asian-ly tasty!
轉眼間又到七月了, 這個暑假感獨良多! 經過多年的努力, 挫折及失敗, 我很開心的跟世界宣佈我已正式以榮譽成績畢業~ 外國生活令我學會獨立~ 曾經連洗碗都不懂的我, 今天能夠跟大家分享食譜是我感到開心同自豪的事! 雖然我尚未到專業廚師的水準, 但很希望我的煮食心得能夠感染那些不喜歡烹飪的人有一天都會享受下廚的樂趣!
It is already July! This summer means a lot to me! After all the years, I am glad to announce that that I have finally graduated with honoured result Studying aboard has given me a lot and I have learned to be independent. Back in the days, I was just a little diva who did not even know how to wash dishes. Today I am happy and so proud that I can share my cooking experience to the world. Although I ain't yet a professional ( still got a long way to go), I really hope that my experience can influence those who are not kin to cookery will eventually change their mind, and able to discover the interesting part of COOKING BY YOURSELF.
注意: 這道菜要一天前準備, 不是即日能享用
p.s. This dish needs to be prepared one day before it is served
300g 豬腩肉
3片 薑
3條 青蔥
3粒 蒜頭(壓平)
隨意 大蒜(看圖)
隨意 菠菜
隨意 乾昆布(小塊的)
2人分量 讚岐鳥冬
4~5 湯匙 萬字豉油
2茶匙 老抽
少許 木魚粉
少許 胡椒粉
1 湯匙 紅酒
半片(+) 片糖
2~3杯(+) 水
(2-3 persons)
300 g Pork belly
3 pieces ginger
3 Green onion
3 pieces garlic (pressed)
(optional amount) big slices of leek
(optional amount) spinach
(optional amount) dry pieces of kombu
2-3 persons Udon or any noodles
4~5 tbsp Kikoman soya
2 tsp Dark soy sauce
a pinch of Dashi/ (or chicken stock )
a pinch of white pepper
a pinch of white pepper
1 tbsp Red wine
Half piece of brown slab sugar (+)
2~3 cup water (+)
*(+) = or more
- 豬腩肉平均切成兩大條
- 先用油將薑, 青蔥和大蒜爆香, 之後取出放到碗中, 用中火將豬腩肉四邊煎至金黃色
- 用紙將鍋裡的油抹清
- 加入水, 蒜頭及所有調味料,和先前取出的薑, 青蔥和大蒜, 大火煮滾後轉成細火, 煮大概兩小時直到豬肉稔身熟透後熄火(注意: 可用一個碗(取代煲蓋)壓住肉條, 水要蓋住肉的表面, 其間要留意需否加水)
- 熄火後, 蓋住待一晚
What to do the day before:
- Cut the pork belly into two big slices evenly
- Heat up the pan with oil using strong fire, slightly fry the green onion, leek and ginger until it smells good. Take them out and put aside.
- Lower the fire to medium , fry the pork belly until its four sides turn to golden brown
- Use kitchen towel to clean the oil in the pan, then add in water, garlic and all other seasoning together with the green onion, ginger and leek you fried earlier
- Turn on the fire to strongest and lower the fire to weakest when it comes to boiled. Slowly cook it for about 2 hours until the pork belly become soft and cooked. (P.S. instead of using a pan lid, you may use a bowl and place on top of the pork while cooking. Remember that the water needs to cover the pork. Constantly check on it and add in more water if its necessary).
- Turn off the fire, cover it with lid and let it stay over-night
- 湯面會浮起冷卻了的油, 這時可以用一張保鮮紙輕輕的鋪於湯面, 之後將保鮮紙上下四角快速的同時拿走! 這樣可以隔起大部分的油!
- 除了豬肉, 將湯汁裡所有剩餘的材料取出, 開中火煲三十分鐘
- 其間根據包裝指示煮熟烏冬, 隔水備用
The day you serve:
- To remove the fat on the soup surface, you can simply place a cling firm gently on the surface (cover all fat area, DONT push it down to the soup) and then quickly pick up the cling firm by holding its four corners.
- Except the pork, you may throw away the other ingredients in the soup
- Boil the soup in medium fire, and cook the pork for about 30 minutes
- Meanwhile, you can cook the udon or noodles following its instruction. Drain them.
- 這時可以準備烏冬配料: 清水煮菠菜, 隔水備用; 隨個人喜好, 可以切碎青蔥當裝飾用
- 30分鐘後, 熄火, 湯水放一邊, 取出豬肉, 慢慢切成片狀(大概0.4~0.5 厘米厚), 放入焗爐烤至表面金黃色
- 其間湯底做法: 用一半的豬肉湯汁, 加入清水和乾昆布開火煮滾, 試味至滿意(如有需要可加豉油), 熄火
- To prepare the noodle toppings: boil and drain the spinach ; cut some green onions into very small pieces
- After 30 minutes, turn off the fire. Set the soup aside. Cut the pork belly into slices (about 0.4~0.5 cm thick) and grill them in oven until golden brown
- Noodle soup: Pour half of the pork soup into a pot, add in some water and Kombu. Taste it and add more soy sauce if necessary. Turn off fire.
- 先放烏冬於碗內, 加入菠菜, 豬肉在烏冬上, 從側面加入湯底, 表面放青蔥碎和芝麻, 即成!
- To serve: First place noodles in the bowl, put toppings and pork on top. Pour hot soup from the side. At last decorate it with some green onion or sesame. FINISH!! please enjoy!
Soft-boiled marinated eggs are also ideal for this dish. Please click it for recipe.
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