終於到了夏天, 英國天氣反覆無常, 這年的夏天比之前都遲來了! 每一天對著沒陽光的天色, 人都變得沒生氣! 今天天氣非常好, 陽天猛猛的曬著後花園, 一陣陣清風吹向你的臉, 心情都特別輕鬆! 剛剛新鮮焗了意大利麝香草弗卡夏面包, 軟軟的包加上淡淡的橄欖油跟香草的味, 又是一個理想的下午茶. 這個做法是非常簡單快捷, 無需任何酵母! 配料其實非常簡單隨意, 因為沒有某幾種配料, 所以我只用了麝香草! 但橄欖, 乾番茄等都是很好的配搭!!
Finally we have bright sunshine in UK which happens rarely! Indeed this year the summer comes quite late compare to previous years! Good weather, good tea-time can certainly boost up our mood! Today I would like to share this very simple Focaccia bread recipe! This time I purely used thymes~ it also tastes very yummy with olives, sun-dried tomato or a bit of cheese on top!
- 300~400 克 自發粉
- 1/2 茶匙 海鹽
- 隨意 新鮮香草(例如迷迭香, 麝香草等)
- 隨意 黑橄欖 (切片)
- 隨意 意大利乾番茄
- 1~2 湯匙 純橄欖油
- 200ml 暖水
- 300~400 g self-raising flour
- 1/2 tsp sea salt
- (optional amount) Fresh herbs (e.g. rosemary, thymes)
- (optional amount) Black olives, sliced
- (optional amount) Sun-dried tomato, sliced
- 1~2 tbsp Extra virgin olive oil
- 200 ml warm water ( NOT boiling hot)
- 預熱焗爐200度, 容器均匀塗上橄欖油
- 將自發粉跟海鹽攪至平均後,加入1湯匙的橄欖油和暖水, 慢慢揉10 分鐘, 至軟軟不稔手的面團(注意: 如果太乾, 可加多水; 太濕, 可加多面粉)
- 成團後, 放上預備好的容器上, 加1湯匙的橄欖油, 要塗在面團的每一個部分! 你會覺得面團變得很滑手, 之後慢慢推開壓平平的, 用指頭插成一個個洞(不用穿)
- 將配料如香草, 乾番茄, 橄欖等分散地放上包面, 慢慢壓實配料, 也可加少許海鹽在表面
- 中格, 焗25~30分鐘, 金黃色就行了~
- Preheat your oven 175 degree, have your baking tin ready, grease it with olive oil
- Mix flour and sea salt evenly, then add 1 tbsp olive oil and water, knead it about 10 mins until it turns to be a soft dough without sticking to your hands. (p.s. add water if dough is dry; or add more flour if it is too wet)
- After it has become a soft dough, place is on the baking tin, add another 1 tbsp olive oil and evenly brush around the dough.
- Use your finger to slightly push and shape it like a flatten disc
- Sprinkles your olives, sun-dried tomato and fresh herbs on top of the bread
- Bake for 25~30 mins until the surface turns golden brown
Enjoy your great summer!
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