已經有一段時間沒跟大家分享美食了, 因為上兩個月太繁忙的關係都沒有空餘的時間研究食譜! 今天終於有時間去試新的菜式! 我一向都有收集不同食譜的習慣~ 這裡的超市每幾個月都會出免費的小冊子, 內附不同的食譜, 當然它們都是為了宣傳超市貨品而印刷!
It has been such a while since I updated my blog. Due to stressful examination period, I did not have spare time to explore and try out recipes until today! I have a habit of collecting interesting recipes from anywhere, newspaper, internet or magazines! I love to collect them and put them into a folder like a photo album. In United Kingdom, you could easily find free recipes from the supermarket magazines, certainly these are used for advertising their own products, yet sometimes you may discover something interesting!
這次想跟大家分享一個非常香濃美味的意大行面~ 靈感是來自小冊子內一款蘑菇栗子千層面! 因為我想在離開這國家前用完所有的食材, 所以我就將這道菜改一改~ 這道菜原本是無肉的, 而我釀入了白魚肉在管子面內, 但這個是隨意的!管子面, 顧名思義, 就是管子般的形狀, 雖然不是所有人都聽說過~ 但這也是傳統的意大利面中一款, 大多數的超市都可以買到!
Today I will love to share this cannelloni recipe. This version is inspired by one of the dish in the supermarket magazine (open- mushroom and chestnut lasagne). However, I wanted to use up all ingredients I have at home before I go on my trip next week, thus I changed the recipe to something suitable for myself! This dish is initially meat-free, but in my version, I have added in some white fish fillet which is totally optional.
- 13克 牛油
- 150 克 蘑菇(切片, 我用了白蘑菇和栗子菇)
- 半個 洋蔥(切碎)
- 1 粒 蒜頭(切碎)
- 62 ml 白酒
- 10 ml double cream( 我用了light的)
- 30ml 牛奶
- 25克 炒香的合桃(切細粒)
- 隨意 新鮮的麝香草
- 1湯匙 橄欖油
- 半茶匙 雞粉
- 半茶匙~1茶匙 鹽
- 隨意 希臘菲達芝士
- 7-8支 管子面
- 1塊 白魚柳(我用的是冰鮮的)
- 13g Margarine
- 150g Mix mushrooms( I use chestnut mushroom and white mushroom, sliced)
- 1/2 Onions
- 1 Garlic clove, peeled and crushed
- 62 ml White wine
- 10 ml Double cream
- 30ml or more Milk
- 25g Walnut pieces
- optional amount Fresh Thymes
- 1 tbsp Olive oil
- 1/2 tsp Chicken Stock
- 1/2~1 tsp Salt
- optional amount Feta Cheese
- 7~8 shells Cannelloni
- 1 White fish fillet ( I use frozen one) optional
- 用平底鍋煮溶牛油, 加入洋蔥碎和蘑菇中火煮10分鐘, 直至材料變成金黃色軟身, 媳火備用
- 用另一隻鍋加橄欖油, 炒香蒜頭碎和合桃粒3分鐘, 之後將先前煮好的蘑菇放入一起煮, 同時加入鹽, 雞粉, 白酒, 麝香草
- 煮大概1分鐘, 用匙隔起蘑菇和合桃放入一個碗中,
- 將忌廉和牛奶加入剩餘的汁, 細火煮至少許濃稠, 熄火
- 如果有魚肉的話, 可先將已解凍的魚柳切成小塊用少許鹽和胡椒粉調味
- 準備好管子面, 用匙將炒好的蘑菇合桃和芝士(和魚肉)慢慢釀入管子面, 小心弄破管子面
- 一支支的整齊排列地放入方型玻璃容器, 將汁轉入容器, 理想的是可以覆蓋著管子面表面
- 150 度, 中格, 焗35~45 分鐘, 其間如果發覺太乾而管子面還是硬的, 可加入牛奶繼續焗. 直到管子面完全熟透即成
- 可配清淡的蔬菜沙律
- Melt the butter over a high heat. Add mushroom and onion to simmer for 10 mins, until it is softened and become golden yellow, turn off the fire. Set aside
- Add the oil to another sauce pan and cook the garlic and walnut for 3 mins. Add the cooked mushroom, white wine, chicken stock, salt, and thyme and cook for 2 mins
- Use spoon to separate mushroom and walnut from the sauce to another bowl
- Add cream and milk into the sauce and cook until a slight coating consistency, turn off the fire
- If you want to use fish, simply cut your fish fillet in small pieces, seasoned your fish with a bit salt and white pepper,
- Now, prepare your cannelloni. Fill in your cannelloni with feta cheese, mushroom and walnuts, (fish fillets), then place them in a bake-ware. Pour in the creamy sauce on the top of the cannelloni until they are covered . If the sauce is not enough to cover the cannelloni, you can add some milk into it evenly.
- 150 degrees, bake for about 35~45 mins. If the sauce is not enough to cover the cannelloni, try to add some milk and continue to bake it until cannelloni is well done
- You can serve with a light salad on the side!
I hope you like my share for today! Since I am going on a trip next week, i may not be able to update again within 1 month, BUT I will take loads of food picture and share with you guys later! Have a great summer everyone!
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