每年的二月, 我都會好急不及待去斯德哥爾摩(我認為) 最好的一間咖啡室, 叫個Semla慢慢享受~ 其實我都現在都不太清楚為什麼瑞典人要特別二月才會吃.. 當我來到英國, 在沒得選擇的情況下... 就要學整我人生第一個的Semla~ 呵呵
Every Feburary is the only time when cafe starts selling Semla, which is like a pastry bun fill with delicious almond paste and cream. I am ashamed to say, till now I still do not quite understand why there is such a Semla tradition... Since I cannot find it in U.K, this year I tried to bake my own Semla for the first time. God blessed me, it turned out better than I expected!
材料 (包):
15 克 牛油
1/4 cup 牛奶
6 克 酵母
2 茶匙 糖
3/4 cup 低筋面粉
1 茶匙 豆蔻粉(Cardamon)
1隻 蛋黃(發)
70 克 杏仁粉(不用極幼細)
1~ 2 湯匙 牛奶
2~3 湯匙 糖霜
*試味直至滿意的甜度, *
For the bun:
Margarine 15 g
Milk 1/4 C
Plain flour 3/4 C
Caster sugar 2 tsp
Egg yolk 1
Cardamon 1tsp
Active dry yeast 6g
Almond powder 70 g
Milk 1~ 2 tbsp
Icing sugar 2~3 tbsp ( optional)
- 將牛油放入牛奶, 用微波爐加暖,最好是不盪手的
- 酵母放入奶後要蓋住保溫發酵約10分鐘, 直到酵母形成一層灰色膜浮在牛奶面, 用匙攪拌一下
- 之後將面粉,豆蔻粉 篩好, 再慢慢加入酵母牛奶, 要逐少加入, 一邊用筷子攪拌
- 到差不多可以成團, 轉用手, 搓粉大約5~7分鐘, 手感要軟, 面團一定是暖暖的. 如果冷了就有可能不會發大.
- 如果太濕, 可加多粉直到濕潤不粘手
- 將面團放入容器, 用布蓋住發30-40小時, 應該會大2倍( Tips: 我習慣會將放有面團的容器放上一個有熱水的煲上, 但不能浸住容器, 太熱面團會溶)
How to do? (Bread)
- Firstly, put the butter and milk into a bowl, and heat up in microwave till lukewarm
- active dry yeast, sprinkle into the warm milk and cover it for about 5 mins, until it is completely dissolved
- Then sift and mix plain flour, cardamon, later slowly adding yeast milk. Steer it until it becomes dough-like texture
- Use your hand to knead it about 10 mins. Ideally the dough is warm and soft all the time
- Place the dough in a bowl and cover it with a baking cloth for 40 mins, until it doubles in size
- Meanwhile, mix almond paste, icing sugar and milk together until very thick. Taste it so it wont be too sweet for you. Put in the fridge for later use
- Hit the cream till peak form and also put in fridge for now
- 將杏仁粉和糖霜攪好
- 慢慢加入牛奶, 一邊攪一邊加, 直至變得非常厚身, 不稀
- 放入雪櫃代用
- 另外打好忌廉至挺身, 放入雪櫃備用
- 當面團發好的時候, 篩少許面粉到平面乾淨的台上, 之後稍為搓一搓面團
- 理想的質感是非常軟身, 分成四個圓球形用布蓋住再發15分鐘
- 預熱焗爐, 200度, 中間格
- 用一隻蛋黃+2 茶匙糖, 塗在包面上, 焗大概30分鐘(TIPS: 記住每個團之間要留位置)
- 將焗好的包待涼
- 完全涼透後, 用刀慢慢於中間位置切一個小三角形(保留三角部份待用), 記住千萬不要切穿面包!這個小洞是用來填滿餡料的
- 先用匙慢慢將杏仁餡填滿, 再將預先打好的忌廉放入裱花袋, 小心打圓形般順時針方向的挤在包的表面
- 再用三角型當帽子般放上忌廉上, 薄薄的篩上糖粉, 就大功告成
- Pre-heat oven, 200 degree
- After 40 mins, knead your dough again about 1 min. Now the dough is supposed to be very soft. Divide into 4 ball-like shape bun , place on a baking tray and cover it and wait for 15 mins
- Mix egg yolk and 2 tsp sugar, then brush on the buns
- Bake the bun for about 30 mins, keep an eye on it and prevent over-baking it. P.S. remember to leave some spaces between each buns, so to allow them rise separately
- After baking, let the buns to cool down completely
- Use a knife, slight cut a triangle shape in the middle of the bun (KEEP IT), DONT cut it till the bottom of the bun, as the triangle space is for almond filling
- Fill the space with almond paste, and squeeze the cream on top of the filling. Finally, put the little triangle on top of the cream like a little hat. Sift some icing sugar on top. WALA! You got yourself some home-made Swedish Semla!
Recommend to eat it within one day( still fresh!)
Although this recipe seems quite complicated, it is a perfect option for tea-time at home What can be better than having friends around, chatting and enjoying a great cup of tea with delicious Semla?
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