想起以前在瑞典的時候我從來都沒有覺得肉丸有什麼特別好吃, 到處都可以買到的食物我們都不會怎樣留意它們美味的地方, 但直到我再到另一個國家生活才發現原來瑞典肉丸(瑞典語:Köttbullar, kött-肉, bullar-丸)在外國都挺有名氣. 哈哈, 當然別人一講到IKEA都會說起瑞典肉丸, 薯蓉跟特別的醬汁, 雖然自己做的永遠都不及外邊買的, 但也別有一番風味, 今天我想跟大家分享我平常在瑞典的時候食的'自製芝士肉丸''
When I was still living in Sweden, I have never paid attention to Swedish meatball. Perhaps we never treasure or value the uniqueness of something until we find it ' hard to reach'.Meatball is called Köttbullar( kött-meat, bullar-ball). I realise that meatball is so popular in everywhere else, especially when IKEA is being mentioned. People usually describe how good the meaballs ' brown sauce', mashed potato are. Although home-made is never the same like the one we eat outside/buy, it is still delicious and ' special'. This is my own recipe which I often used when I was a teen living in Sweden! Nothing tricky, nothing professional, just a simple recipe made by a (used- to- be) lazy teen
200g 牛肉碎( 隨意什麼肉都行)
2/1 支紅蘿蔔 (切碎)
2/1 個紅洋蔥 (切碎)
隨意- 迷迭香
3粒-蒜頭 (切碎)
-隨意- 芝士碎
半茶匙 黑胡椒粉
少許 白胡椒粉
1/2-1茶匙 鹽
2 茶匙 Olive oil
200g minced beef ( its optional to use any other meat)
1 cup carrots (chop into fine small pieces)
half red onion (chop into fine small pieces)
a few fresh Rosemary (optional)
3 small pieces of garlic
grated cheese ( optional)
2/1 tsp black pepper
1/4 tsp white pepper
1/2-1 tsp salt
2 tsp olive oil
- 首先要將材料加調味料攪拌
- 然後加入肉碎, 之後用手將所有材料混合一起, 記得要用力一點, 目標要將肉碎變得有黏性( 用文字很難去表達攪的方法, 我打得非常肉緊.. 哈哈)
- 之後開始整成丸形, 我比較喜歡有芝心, 可以把手先壓成扁, 將芝士碎放入中間, 之後可以再整成丸形.( 記得一定要盡量要放芝士在中心, 否則焗的時候會嘔芝士)
- 弄成大小一致的丸狀, 焗的時候就平均一點. .將肉丸放在有錫紙鋪面的焗盤上.
- 中間格. 200度 風扇型焗爐 15分鐘 ( 時不時留意住, 因為每個人焗爐熱度的不一樣)
- First of all, mix all ingredients and seasoning
- Next add in the minced beef, with clean hands scrunch and mix up well until ingredients are sticked together evenly
- Use wet hand to divide the meat into balls in same sizes. It is optional if you want cheese filling. All you have to do is to ensure that all grated cheesy are placed well in the middle, otherwise cheese may leak out while baking. Place your balls on the foil in a baking tray. Please do leave some spaces between each meatball.
- Try your best to make all balls in similar sizes, its more efficient and convenient as all meatballs can be cooked evenly at the same time.
- Place your tray in the middle of the oven, 200 degrees for fan oven and bake for 15 minutes. p.s.: Check on it constantly to make sure not over-cooked.
自己喜歡什麼配菜都可以, 可能大家都知瑞典人最喜歡配薯蓉, 有些朋友去Ikea食Kottbullar的時候未知大家有無留意旁邊都有紅莓果醬, 瑞典文叫Lingonsylt 是用越橘莓做成的, 這個醬比平時塗面包的果醬質地''結'' 一點, 淡一點, 有時還會吃得出一粒粒的莓. 北歐人都很喜歡這個甜甜的醬, 吃Pancake的時候都會用上!!
I love eating it with light side dish like salad or,...mashed potato, of course..
Please enjoy!
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