近來非常流行Go Green (即是素食), 但對於一直食肉較多的朋友們, 說起食素會覺得人生變得沒有味道! 雖然以前我也是非常的''食肉獸'', 隨著年紀愈大, 我發覺我變得傾向蔬菜! 曾經那種''一定要食肉''的感覺亦慢慢減退! 可是, 我做不了每一天都吃素, 因為我愛吃魚! 儘管Go Green 對我而言只能是一星期幾天, 但這樣已經能Save the world! 減低地球的廢氣排放量!
Lately, 'Go Green' (meat-free) has become a widely-used motto in relation to 'better health' , 'environmentally friendly'', ''save the world' etc...'. For all the meat-lovers out there, becoming a vegetarian seems a hard-to-reach goal. As I grow older, I have gradually lost the desire to eat much meat. However, I don't think I can ever be a vegetarian( well at least for now), as long as there are fishes! Nevertheless,DO NOT make this as an excuse for not helping our planet! If everybody decides to Go Green once a week, it can help reducing problems such as global warming or forest destruction.
今天我想跟大家(特別不愛吃素的朋友) 分享一道不只會增加食慾, 還會刺激你味蕾的素食食譜!! 材料跟做法都非常簡單~大家不妨由這一步做起~~ Let's Go Green now!
Today I will want to share a salad recipe which can stimulate your taste sensation or even hopefully increase your desire to eat vegetables! Very simple and flexible recipe!
材料: (蔬菜種類繁多, 可以自由配搭)
粉絲 (用滾水浸15分鐘,先過冷河再瀝乾水備用)
辣椒仔 (個人喜好)
蒜頭 3粒 (切碎)
洋蔥 半個(切碎)
檸檬汁 3湯匙(+)
魚露 3湯匙(+)
泰式檸檬葉 4片
檸檬香茅 1 茶匙( 非常薄片)
糖 半茶匙
蘋果 半個 (打成蘋果容)
*莞茜 (個人喜好)
*紅椒粉 (少許)
*= 隨個人喜歡
(+)= 可增
- 先將所有蔬菜切絲, 加入粉絲攪拌好
- 另外將沙律汁的材料加入一個碗中, 試味至滿意後即成
- 可以加入少許紅椒粉在沙律中!
Iceberg salad
Yellow pepper
Cellophane noodles (First soak it in boiled water for 15 minutes, then rinse it with cold water. At last drain it well and set aside)
Thai salad dressing:
Chili (optional amount)
Garlic 3 pieces( cut into small pieces)
Onion half (cut into small pieces)
Fresh lemon (make 3 tbsp juice) (+)
Fish sauce 3 tbsp (+)
Thai Lemon leaf 3
Thai Lemongrass 1 tsp (very very thin pieces)
Caster sugar 1/2 tsp
Apple half ( peel it and make purée)
* Coriander (optional amount)
* Red pepper powder (optional amount)
*= optional
(+)= or more
- 因為我寫的調味料份量是依我的蔬菜份量決定, 朋友們可以分開汁料, 等待吃的時候才倒上沙律攪匀享用!
- 大家嘗試用蘋果, 梨等生果來取代糖的甜味, 這樣就不會改變健康沙律的定義!
Iceberg salad
Yellow pepper
Cellophane noodles (First soak it in boiled water for 15 minutes, then rinse it with cold water. At last drain it well and set aside)
Thai salad dressing:
Chili (optional amount)
Garlic 3 pieces( cut into small pieces)
Onion half (cut into small pieces)
Fresh lemon (make 3 tbsp juice) (+)
Fish sauce 3 tbsp (+)
Thai Lemon leaf 3
Thai Lemongrass 1 tsp (very very thin pieces)
Caster sugar 1/2 tsp
Apple half ( peel it and make purée)
* Coriander (optional amount)
* Red pepper powder (optional amount)
*= optional
(+)= or more
- Simply cut all vegetables into slices and mix together with noodles
- Combine all dressing ingredients in another bowl, taste it until satisfy.
- You may serve it together with the salad or separate.
- The amount of dressing ingredients are based on my own portion of vegetables. I would recommend to follow this recipe by separating the sauce first and you may combine your salad when you are ready to serve!
- Please try to substitute sugar with different fruits such as apple and pear. This can give you a natural sweetness meanwhile providing you a even healthier diet!
Hope you enjoy it!
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