上一次教了大家做素包子, 要是不知道怎樣處理剩下了的材料, 不用煩惱! 這個食譜不但清淡健康, 還非常多變化! 份量就因個人而異~ 所以沒有特定! 所以這個分享可以是一個參考~~
This is another very simple vegetarian recipe. Ingredients are absolutely flexible! Since the amount of ingredients are not fixed, this post can be used as reference.
- 蘆筍*切3節*
- 木耳*浸水發大, 清水煲熟切絲*
- 金菇
- 青瓜
- 越南春卷米紙
- 醬油(生抽)
- 麻油
- 魚露
- 檸檬汁
- 芝麻
- 蒜頭 *切碎*
*slice them*
- Asparagus
- Jelly ear
- Enokitake
- Cucumber
- Vietnamese rice paper
- Soy sauce
- Sesame oil
- Fish sauce
- Fresh lemon juice
- Sesame
- Garlic( in pieces)
Way to do
- 先將蘆筍和金菇用水略煲熟, 隔水待涼~(蘆筍變青綠色就行~煮太久會失去口感)
- 另外用碗將所有調味料攪好, 試味到滿意為止
- 之後就將所有材料混合好, 放一邊待用
- First boil the Enokitake and Asparagus till cooked, drain them. (It is done as long as the asparagus turn bright green. It may lose it taste and texture if you boil them too long)
- Mix all seasoning in a bowl, taste it
- At last, combine everything together, set aside
- 現在準備一大鍋冷水, 將一塊薄薄越南米紙放入水慢慢浸大概10秒(注意: 因為米紙很快就會變軟身, 浸太久就會不成形, 所以建議一邊浸不要放開米紙)
- 放軟身的米紙在碟上, 將準備好的材料逐少放在米紙下方, 然後慢慢卷上去, 做成春卷
- Now, prepare a big bowl of cold water, carefully put a piece of rice paper into the cold water and soak it till it turns soft. It takes about 10 seconds only. So it is better to control the paper with your hand while soaking.
- Then place the soft paper on a plate, put the prepared filling on the bottom area. Roll it up slowly and fold in the sides. Here you have one perfect looking spring roll.
You may dip it with soya sauce. Simple but tasty. Ingredients are very flexible,
try out the traditional Vietnamese spring roll recipe
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