今天我想跟大家分享我第一次做朱古力心蛋糕裝飾的心得! 好多時候經過蛋糕店, 引起你注意的並不是蛋糕的味道(朱古力?栗子?), 而是它們很精緻的賣相! 事關快到了某紀念日, 我就有藉口去不停上網找資料! 我其實對焗蛋糕整餅真是一曉不通, 很多時都會有失敗的時候!
Beautiful and delicate cake decorations are so important in attracting people on the street!
I personally think that it is not necessary to pay for baking classes unless you are aiming to be a real professional! Nowadays internet does it all! Well at least I heavily rely on internet when I tend to do research on recipes or cooking skills etc...
A few days ago, I have tried to make some chocolate hearts decoration for my chocolate cake ( will definitely share with you guys later)! Honestly,the whole thing looks so much easier in clips than doing it by my own hands! In this post, I will attach a youtube video tutorial which I used for reference. I will not type method since the video is in english! But feel free to follow my ingredients as below. P.S. For my chocolate hearts, I sprinkle a few orange zest and some sugar pearl for better look!
我覺得以現在的科技網絡, 其實未必一定要去報名付錢上蛋糕班! 當然, 如果你要求是要達到專業水準, 可能真的要跟專業整餅師傅學! 但就算上了班,也要熟能生巧呢!
為了我的朱古力蛋糕(未來會跟大家分享), 我特意去自學朱古力裝飾! 其實整件事不難, 但真的要有心理準備, 做十個會有一半失敗! 以下是我的食譜跟做法, 我的心心加上了少許橙皮跟糖珠我會附上一個Video( youtube學的, 呵呵), 我覺得試範得不錯!
- 300 克 黑朱古力( 白/牛奶黑等都行, 以我經驗, 平的朱古力質量真的差少少, 不妨先用平再用好一點的)
- 少許橙皮
- 糖珠
- 300 g Dark Chocolate (or white/milk chocolate etc, FYI, I recommend you to buy better quality chocolate which does make a big difference!! )
- some orange zest
- Sugar pearl ( There is a wide variety of small ready-to-use cake decoration)
- 先在牛油紙上繪出心心 (看圖), 用刀小心介出形狀
- 用一張錫紙墊底
- (因為太專注忘了影相, 但可參考下面的影片)
- 倒滾水於一個碗裡, 另外放300克的朱古力入一個厚身的保鮮袋(密封好)
- 之後慢慢放入有滾水的碗中, 等待朱古力完全溶成漿
- 盡量把漿推到保鮮袋的角落, 之後剪出一個小小的洞
- 現在以<井>字型不停擠在心心上
- 最後取走牛油紙, 心心就會留在錫紙
- 這時可以放你想放的裝飾
- 放入雪櫃幾個小時就行了!
以下是我參考的影片, 從3:12 分開始~ Here is the tutorial, chocolate hearts start from 3:12
注意: 我建議大家擠出多幾個<井>, 好讓朱古力線條重疊著, 因為太幼會容易斷!
P.S. : Try to make your chocolate line thicker or else they will be very fragile.
Good Luck!
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