我本人不太喜歡羊肉, 可能心理上總是覺得羊肉很多時都會很強的羊味道! 這方面, 我比較習慣中式濃味炆的做法! 可是, 有時候調味料太重會搶走肉的鮮味! 原本今天我也是想隨便的一鍋炆了算, 但覺得我應該打破自己心理上的障礙, 去嘗試新的做法! (其實也是因為我懶不想去超市買炆肉的材料...呵呵) 最後, 我就地取材, 拿出我廚房裡有的材料去做! 結果, 出來的味道比我預期的好, 還以為焗肉會乾, 但反而很軟, 肉汁還在! 而且做法材料比中式的還要容易. 雖然調味料不多, 但至少我也能接受到這個羊味! 所以大家絕對值得試一下! 特別有客人的時候, 做西式感覺會優雅高貴一點~~~
I always think that lamb sometimes has a really strong taste which I often can not endure. Therefore, I often prefer to cook lamb in Chinese style, like with a lot of spices and etc.. However I do agree that, too much spices will overwhelm the natural freshness of the meat. Its unfair to lamb I guess?