Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Friday, 26 July 2013

<異國風情篇之意大利帕馬紅豆魚肉卷> Parma-wrapped plaice fillet with red beans mousse

今天想教大家做一道比較夏天的菜~ 材料都很簡單~ 這個食譜雖然是我昨天有感而發想出來, 但出來的味道都非常不錯, 絕對值得一試~ 醬汁方面我特意配了一個凍的羅勒葉蘋果法式鮮奶油~ 聽上去好像很難, 但其實挺簡單!

I would like to share a sort of summer recipe. Ingredients are simple. Despite this recipe is something I just randomly came up with ( yes like an experiment, a trial!), it turned out good! Additionally,  this dish matches perfectly with a cold creme fraiche sauce with basil and fresh apple, which not only balance out the 'greasiness' of Parma-ham, but as well create a very fresh summer flavour.  

Monday, 22 July 2013

<異國風情篇之焦糖洋蔥芥末焗羊胸>Roast golden lamb breast with mustard and caramel onions

我本人不太喜歡羊肉, 可能心理上總是覺得羊肉很多時都會很強的羊味道! 這方面, 我比較習慣中式濃味炆的做法! 可是, 有時候調味料太重會搶走肉的鮮味! 原本今天我也是想隨便的一鍋炆了算, 但覺得我應該打破自己心理上的障礙, 去嘗試新的做法!  (其實也是因為我懶不想去超市買炆肉的材料...呵呵) 最後, 我就地取材, 拿出我廚房裡有的材料去做! 結果, 出來的味道比我預期的好, 還以為焗肉會乾, 但反而很軟, 肉汁還在! 而且做法材料比中式的還要容易. 雖然調味料不多, 但至少我也能接受到這個羊味! 所以大家絕對值得試一下! 特別有客人的時候, 做西式感覺會優雅高貴一點~~~
I always think that lamb sometimes has a really strong taste which I often can not endure. Therefore, I often prefer to cook lamb in Chinese style, like with a lot of spices and etc.. However I do agree that, too much spices will overwhelm the natural freshness of the meat. Its unfair to lamb I guess?

Saturday, 20 July 2013

<素食篇之健康越南素春卷> Healthy Vietnamese green spring-roll

上一次教了大家做素包子, 要是不知道怎樣處理剩下了的材料, 不用煩惱! 這個食譜不但清淡健康, 還非常多變化! 份量就因個人而異~ 所以沒有特定! 所以這個分享可以是一個參考~~
This is another very simple vegetarian recipe. Ingredients are absolutely flexible! Since the amount of ingredients are not fixed, this post can be used as reference. 

Friday, 5 July 2013

<異國風情篇之自家御好燒>Home-style Japanese Okonomiyaki

不知道大家有沒有試過日本的御好燒呢? (日语お好み焼き) 坦白說沒有! 我第一次接觸是來自日本的他給我弄的~他跟我說, 大板的御好燒是最出名的(他從讚岐來的)! 可惜, 第一次的印象的確很一般! 哈哈,他某一位大板朋友看到我上載的照片立刻狠狠批評這位徒弟跟他學無所成! 哈哈~~ 從此之後, 我跟他都很努力的去研究, 由第一次做每一口都是厚厚的面粉, 第二次太水不成形, 這次我們終於成功做出美味的御好燒~ 這個食譜是經我們不停參考不同的方法,作出適當的取捨, 加入我們自己的口味!! 雖然我沒有試過真正的, 但我相信這個是最理想及適合每個人的自家做法! 
Have you ever tried Japanese Okonomiyaki? I have not tried the REAL one as I have never been to Japan ( how pity...) The very first time I tried was the time when my Japanese friend made it for me. He told me that Osaka is famous for their Okonomiyaki. 

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

<甜蜜蜜篇之朱古力心心裝飾>Romantic chocolate hearts decoration

今天我想跟大家分享我第一次做朱古力心蛋糕裝飾的心得! 好多時候經過蛋糕店, 引起你注意的並不是蛋糕的味道(朱古力?栗子?), 而是它們很精緻的賣相! 事關快到了某紀念日, 我就有藉口去不停上網找資料! 我其實對焗蛋糕整餅真是一曉不通, 很多時都會有失敗的時候! 
Beautiful and delicate cake decorations are so important in attracting people on the street! 

I personally think that it is not necessary to pay for baking classes unless you are aiming to be a real professional! Nowadays internet does it all! Well at least I heavily rely on internet when I tend to do research on recipes or cooking skills etc...  

Tuesday, 2 July 2013

<素食篇之健康Go Green泰式沙律> Temptation of green Thai salad

近來非常流行Go Green (即是素食), 但對於一直食肉較多的朋友們, 說起食素會覺得人生變得沒有味道! 雖然以前我也是非常的''食肉獸'', 隨著年紀愈大, 我發覺我變得傾向蔬菜! 曾經那種''一定要食肉''的感覺亦慢慢減退! 可是, 我做不了每一天都吃素, 因為我愛吃魚! 儘管Go Green 對我而言只能是一星期幾天, 但這樣已經能Save the world! 減低地球的廢氣排放量!
Lately,  'Go Green' (meat-free) has become a widely-used motto in relation to 'better health' , 'environmentally friendly'', ''save the world' etc...'.  For all the meat-lovers out there, becoming a vegetarian seems a hard-to-reach goal. As I grow older, I have gradually lost the desire to eat much meat. However, I don't think I can ever be a vegetarian( well at least for now), as long as there are fishes! Nevertheless,DO NOT make this as an excuse for not helping our planet! If everybody decides to Go Green once a week, it can help reducing problems such as global warming or forest destruction.