今天我想跟大家分享自家日式燒豚肉烏冬的食譜, 我看過不少別人的分享, 亦試過跟隨他們的方法, 但我總是覺得有點複雜化了! 我不會說是''傳統''日式的味道, 我的做法加入了少許中式的味道! 出來的效果都非常不錯, 我的某位日本朋友都讚是一番的好味! 這個食譜看上去好像很複雜, 但其實是非常的簡單, 只是需要時間及耐性!
Today I would like to share my Japanese style roasted pork fillet recipe! I have been looking around, testing many recipes shared by the others, yet somehow I found them over complicated Despite my recipe is a fusion of 'Chinese' and 'Japanese', my Japanese friend do find it 'another type of home-taste'. This recipe only requires more time and patience, albeit it appears to be difficult. It is absolutely Asian-ly tasty!