Sunday, 30 June 2013

<異國風情篇之日式燒豚肉烏冬>Japanese Yakibuta (roasted pork fillet) Udon

今天我想跟大家分享自家日式燒豚肉烏冬的食譜, 我看過不少別人的分享, 亦試過跟隨他們的方法, 但我總是覺得有點複雜化了! 我不會說是''傳統''日式的味道, 我的做法加入了少許中式的味道! 出來的效果都非常不錯, 我的某位日本朋友都讚是一番的好味! 這個食譜看上去好像很雜, 但其實是非常的簡單, 只是需要時間及耐性!

Today I would like to share my Japanese style roasted pork fillet recipe! I have been looking around, testing many recipes shared by the others, yet somehow I found them over complicated   Despite my recipe is a fusion of 'Chinese' and 'Japanese', my Japanese friend do find it 'another type of home-taste'. This recipe only requires more time and patience, albeit it appears to be difficult. It is absolutely Asian-ly tasty!

Monday, 3 June 2013

<異國風情篇之意大利香草弗卡夏面包> Simple Focaccia bread with herbs

終於到了夏天, 英國天氣反覆無常, 這年的夏天比之前都遲來了! 每一天對著沒陽光的天色, 人都變得沒生氣! 今天天氣非常好, 陽天猛猛的曬著後花園, 一陣陣清風吹向你的臉, 心情都特別輕鬆!  剛剛新鮮焗了意大利麝香草弗卡夏面包, 軟軟的包加上淡淡的橄欖油跟香草的味, 又是一個理想的下午茶. 這個做法是非常簡單快捷, 無需任何酵母! 配料其實非常簡單隨意, 因為沒有某幾種配料, 所以我只用了麝香草! 但橄欖, 乾番茄等都是很好的配搭!!

Finally we have bright sunshine in UK which happens rarely! Indeed this year the summer comes quite late compare to previous years! Good weather, good tea-time can certainly boost up our mood! Today I would like to share this very simple Focaccia bread recipe! This time I purely used thymes~ it also tastes very yummy with olives, sun-dried tomato or a bit of cheese on top!

Sunday, 2 June 2013

<異國風情篇之意大利白酒蘑菇合桃管子面>Baked white wine mushroom and walnut cannelloni

已經有一段時間沒跟大家分享美食了, 因為上兩個月太繁忙的關係都沒有空餘的時間研究食譜! 今天終於有時間去試新的菜式! 我一向都有收集不同食譜的習慣~ 這裡的超市每幾個月都會出免費的小冊子, 內附不同的食譜, 當然它們都是為了宣傳超市貨品而印刷!

It has been such a while since I updated my blog. Due to stressful examination period, I did not have spare time to explore and try out recipes until today! I have a habit of collecting interesting recipes from anywhere, newspaper, internet or magazines! I love to collect them and put them into a folder like a photo album. In United Kingdom, you could easily find free recipes from the supermarket magazines, certainly these are used for advertising their own products, yet sometimes you may discover something interesting!