Sunday, 28 April 2013
<簡易配菜篇之麻辣涼拌木耳昆布>Szechuan Jelly Ear Kombu Salad (spicy)
我絕對是一個無辣不歡的80後, 最愛吃麻辣酸辣香辣等等的菜~ 但有時又會嫌外面的川菜油膩! 加上前一陣子那盛傳的<地溝油>事件~ 我更加對外面的辣油有戒心~ 說到這裡, 有很多人都愛吃涼拌的小菜, 無論是飯前或撈飯, 酸酸辣辣的冷盤都非常受歡迎~ 而有益又健康當然是自家製!這個懶人版, 簡易又快捷!
<簡易配菜篇之醬油糖心蛋> Japanese marinated soft-boiled egg
今次想跟大家分享醬油糖心蛋 (日文: Ajitsuke Tamago) 的食譜, 做法非常簡易! 最重要是要掌握好煲蛋的時間! 我個人不太喜歡太生的蛋, 所以4分鐘對我是最理想的.. 做糖心蛋方法有很多~ 有人會將蛋直接放入滾水煲6分鐘. . 大家可以嘗試不同的方法~
Saturday, 27 April 2013
<甜蜜蜜篇之紅酒燴梨子> Poached Pear in Red Wine
很久以前聽過見過這道甜品, 直到上個月到法國旅行第一次試食紅酒燴梨子. 第一次食已愛上了~~ 清甜的梨子, 加上陣陣香濃撲鼻的紅酒味, 做法簡單, 外觀漂亮! 絕對是招呼客人最理想的甜品!
Poached Pears in Red Wine - The first time I heard about this dish was through a TV show, but not until last month I finally tried it out in Paris. I totally fell in love with it. I personally do not like '' sweet and greasy'' dessert, yet this one is extraordinarily tasty and I highly recommend it for dinner party at home. It looks elegant and professional ( easy and simple recipe), more importantly, it tastes fantastic!
<異國風情篇瑞典煙三文魚焗薯>Swedish style smoke salmon potato-gratin
今天我想教大家做一道傳統瑞典聖誕餐的菜式~~ Potato-gratin ( 瑞典文: Potatis-gratäng) 其實這是源於法國的菜式, Gratin dish的意思是指用一道用淺的容器焗成表面金黃色的餸菜~~ 有很多不用的Gratin 款式~ 大家不妨搜尋一下~
做之前要提醒一句, 這道菜絕對不適合正處於減肥狀態的女士!!但一次半次...~~~~~~又無妨呢!!
Today I am pleased to teach you one traditional Swedish xmas dish which you may easily find on the Xmas dining table at a Swedish home (Swedish: Potatis gratäng) Gratin originates in France, in which '' Gratin dish'' is referring to a shallow dish which is used to bake stuff until golden brown. There are many different types of gratin nowadays, feel free to search around and see if there is any others you may feel attracted to!
做之前要提醒一句, 這道菜絕對不適合正處於減肥狀態的女士!!但一次半次...~~~~~~又無妨呢!!
Today I am pleased to teach you one traditional Swedish xmas dish which you may easily find on the Xmas dining table at a Swedish home (Swedish: Potatis gratäng) Gratin originates in France, in which '' Gratin dish'' is referring to a shallow dish which is used to bake stuff until golden brown. There are many different types of gratin nowadays, feel free to search around and see if there is any others you may feel attracted to!
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