Friday, 3 May 2013
<異國風情篇之瑞典忌廉賓> Swedish Semla
每年的二月, 我都會好急不及待去斯德哥爾摩(我認為) 最好的一間咖啡室, 叫個Semla慢慢享受~ 其實我都現在都不太清楚為什麼瑞典人要特別二月才會吃.. 當我來到英國, 在沒得選擇的情況下... 就要學整我人生第一個的Semla~ 呵呵
Every Feburary is the only time when cafe starts selling Semla, which is like a pastry bun fill with delicious almond paste and cream. I am ashamed to say, till now I still do not quite understand why there is such a Semla tradition... Since I cannot find it in U.K, this year I tried to bake my own Semla for the first time. God blessed me, it turned out better than I expected!
Wednesday, 1 May 2013
<異國風情篇自家芝心瑞典肉丸>Homemade Swedish cheesy-meatball
想起以前在瑞典的時候我從來都沒有覺得肉丸有什麼特別好吃, 到處都可以買到的食物我們都不會怎樣留意它們美味的地方, 但直到我再到另一個國家生活才發現原來瑞典肉丸(瑞典語:Köttbullar, kött-肉, bullar-丸)在外國都挺有名氣. 哈哈, 當然別人一講到IKEA都會說起瑞典肉丸, 薯蓉跟特別的醬汁, 雖然自己做的永遠都不及外邊買的, 但也別有一番風味, 今天我想跟大家分享我平常在瑞典的時候食的'自製芝士肉丸''
When I was still living in Sweden, I have never paid attention to Swedish meatball. Perhaps we never treasure or value the uniqueness of something until we find it ' hard to reach'.Meatball is called Köttbullar( kött-meat, bullar-ball). I realise that meatball is so popular in everywhere else, especially when IKEA is being mentioned. People usually describe how good the meaballs ' brown sauce', mashed potato are. Although home-made is never the same like the one we eat outside/buy, it is still delicious and ' special'. This is my own recipe which I often used when I was a teen living in Sweden! Nothing tricky, nothing professional, just a simple recipe made by a (used- to- be) lazy teen
<甜蜜蜜篇之意大利士多啤梨凍餅>Strawberry Pannacotta Pie
Time flies, now its already May 2013. Although the weather in UK is still unstable, I can feel that summer arrives any time. Summer, always reminds me of colourful fruits like berries, mango, pineapple (Yes, these are my favourite ones). Certainly people may have different taste and preferences for fruits. I know people do not like desserts made of banana or lemon. However, (so far) I have not met anyone who would reject dessert with fresh strawberries!! Today I will like to share the never-failed Strawberry Pannacotta Pie recipe!
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