因為身在外地關係, 未有時間去更新日誌!!真抱歉~~~
這兩天我努力研究做出健康鬆餅的食譜~ 我分別試用了橄欖油和牛油做了兩盤鬆餅~ 以半蒸焗方式, 做出來的鬆餅口感像雞蛋蛋糕! 而且因為我主張少油少糖, 這個食譜做出來的蛋糕比一般的健康但不乏香味! 最近家裡買來新鮮藍莓, 所以第一次用了橄欖油做了六小個心形的藍莓合桃蛋糕, 另外也用牛油加上先前自家做的車厘子果醬和即沖的日本綠茶咖啡粉做了夾心鬆餅~~~ 雖然同是油, 橄欖油做出來的蛋糕口感非常非常鬆軟且輕身, 牛油做出來的當然比較香口, 質地雖然同樣鬆軟, 但比橄欖油做的結實!
It has been a while since my last update! Sorry guys! ~ For I am on my summer vacation away from home, I hardly use kitchen lately! These two days, i attempted to do some experiments on muffins/cake. I applied steam-bake technique, adopting the '' less sugar less oil'' principle to complete my healthy muffin recipe! What i found out is that, using olive oil make the cake way more fluffy and light, whereas
It has been a while since my last update! Sorry guys! ~ For I am on my summer vacation away from home, I hardly use kitchen lately! These two days, i attempted to do some experiments on muffins/cake. I applied steam-bake technique, adopting the '' less sugar less oil'' principle to complete my healthy muffin recipe! What i found out is that, using olive oil make the cake way more fluffy and light, whereas